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Intensive Online Marketers – St. Petersb…
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A message from the developer of Viper’s Video Quicktags: My plugin, the one you are using, has been discontinued. It is recommended that you install the migration plugin which will allow you to disable and remove Viper’s Video Quicktags without embeds in old posts breaking. For further details, please see this post on my blog.
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Simply put, we have the experience and expertise to bring more customers or clients into your business, through a well planned and designed Internet presence for your business. We can work with you to get your local business on the first page of the search engines. If you want more traffic into your business, the best means today is a web site. If you don’t have a web site or your web site is not providing new customers or clients, then the web site is not fulfilling its main purpose.
Web Site Design is only part of the process. Today there are many other aspects which interplay with the web site that must be taken into consideration. Our complete services, removes the need for any of our clients to have to go on their Internet journey alone. We can handle it all for them.
Our first goal at Intensive Online Marketers is to provide our clients with a professional, eye appealing and search engine optimized web site that is not static, but provides regularly new fresh content, not only for your clients, but for anyone looking for information or help.
We know that the vast majority of our clients don’t have the time or training to create, and then maintain a truly professional web site. We take all the work and stress out of the equation. All of our web sites are based on the WordPress platform. We create a unique image for each client and promote their desired image and branding.
Some of the services we can provide for your business are:
- We provide services from Domain Name registration, hosting, software installation and to the end product.
- There is no page limitation for our sites. Content is king on the Internet.There is no page limitation for our sites. Content is king on the Internet.
- Compatibility with all major web browsers
- also mobile responsive design.
- One affordable monthly fee which includes all future changes and updates, the posting of fresh new blog articles, which keeps your site active, especially with the search engines
- No software to buy, no knowledge of installation needed, no maintenance required.
- Add interactive capabilities such as mapping, online forms or PDF file forms for printing, which ever fits best for the client. Image sliders, videos, etc.
- Support for any questions, changes or updating.
- Blogging management
- Provides a path to build your own library with your own content.
- Incorporation of email list for client contact and text messaging if so desired.
- Need a logo? We can do that too. We will provide you with several unique logos to choose from. Revisions as needed to get it right.
Lets face it, everyday more and more potential clients are using the Internet to find products, services and answer their questions. A web presence is absolutely essential today to market any business. The use of the yellow pages as the primary source to locate a business is over, especially as the younger generation matures, and becomes the primary purchaser of goods and services. If you have been fighting it or avoiding the truth, it’s time to get real. Contact us now to get started.
Roy Faulkner
Intensive Online Marketers
St.Petersburg – Tampa FL
Word count: 557
Last edited by Roy Faulkner on July 7, 2013 at 2:50 am
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Published on: Feb 25, 2013 @ 01:03 Edit Edit date and time
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1) Use the Kitchen Sink icon above to reveal more options for your text editor
2) When creating a new Blog Post – Use the “more” tag icon to show a “teaser” of the post on your blog page. And read here: How to create the perfect blog post.
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For each video number below, click the “[+]” to open the settings panel.
Use the Green Video Button in the editor toolbar above to insert videos into your content via shortcodes.
Using the shortcodes, you can place videos in Like/Reveal and Comment/Reveal sections.
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