We are going to help build your business online.









We are going to help build your business online.

Why Use Intensive Online Marketers?
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website


Intensive Online Marketers (IOM) is located in the Saint Petersburg and Tampa Bay area of Florida. Through internet marketing, IOM helps professional and small businesses to develop an online presence that will build more clients or customers for their business. IOM got started in internet marking and website design in 1996. Since then the Internet has become something that most businesses know about and probably have tried to use for their business. However, the Internet has developed to be one of the hardest marketing and advertising formats to learn and master.

Our Goal

The goal is to position your business so it will attract more potential clients or customers and present your business above your competitors. IOM solve this by providing professional and eye catching websites that will attract new business to you. After the website is designed properly, then local search engine optimization techniques are applied to get your website business profile listed in the top of the search engines. In addition, IOM can also use video marketing and reputation management to enhance your presence and exposure. Adding new content to your website and developing a social media profile can provide additional boost.

We Have You Covered

Domain Names

Your domain name is the starting point for a successful online marketing presence. What domain name you choose will have a significant affect on how search engines will look at, index and rank your web pages, your website.


The three areas needed for proper search engine optimization or SEO, are On-page SEO, Off-page SEO and Local Search Engine Optimization.


The first and primary SEO strategy is what is called On-Page SEO. These are the steps that are implemented within the structure of the page creation.


After the page is created and optimized with on-page SEO then one has to consider what is called off-page SEO. These are the search engine optimization steps that can be taken off of the actual website to help the search engines determine if the web pages on your contain quality content. The search engines assume that if people and other websites are linking back to your website, your website is relevant, has quality content that others are seeking. These links are called backlinks. As your backlinks increase the more authority your site has in the eyes of the search engines and the higher they rank you.


The other part of the puzzle is Local SEO. Local SEO relates to searches that have a local flavor. In other words, searchers are looking for information that is relevant to their local area, such as if someone is looking for a plumber in a particular city. A “location” is a delimiting factor, which could be for example within a zip code, city, county or state or other defined location.


Google has created their Google Places, formerly Google Local, or Google Maps for local listing results. Google Places is geared for local information and a small map appears which shows the locations of businesses which are relevant to the keywords entered and also to those businesses registered on Google Places. If relevant and registered a business will appear on the Google map.

A Google Places listing is very important, especially to businesses which are primarily targeting local customers or for those customers mainly searching locally.



Need a logo to go along with your website? We can handle that for you also!
Importance of Your Domain Name Video
Importance of Web Design Video
Importance of Search Engine Optimization Video
Importance of Local SEO Video
Why Video Marketing Video
Importance of Google Places/Business Video
Importance of Reputation Management Video
Blogging As Part of Your Internet Marketing Video


Our primary focus is offering web design services to small businesses. Our designs are unique to each business, are professional looking, easily navigated and mobile responsive (no need for separate mobile site).


Basically video marketing is incorporating videos into a business’s marketing plan either to promote the business, its products or services. Videos are becoming very popular as businesses use this visual media content into their marketing strategy.
It gas been shown that a video can increase a business’s Google ranking and increase traffic to their website.
Some interesrting information about video marketing
Online video reaches 84.5{db031138a63f637494f6db39470e516f5d01b09640e6e50bd6b1b208e9c12898} of the online users in the United States alone. The level of engagement is rising.

“A study from Forrester Research states that a web page with video is 50x more likely to appear on the first page of Google.”



Basically, online reputation management is the process of monitoring and suppressing harmful blogs,reviews, and other defamatory content from appearing in the search results for a business. A negative online reputation can create a real problem for your business or even your personal name. Lets face it, today, we live in a “Google World”, where over 90{db031138a63f637494f6db39470e516f5d01b09640e6e50bd6b1b208e9c12898} of potential clients or customers search before  to making a purchasing or selecting a service. First impressions are important. Without control, via reputation management,  of your reputation your business and/or name could be harmed.


The origin of “blog” came from “web log” and was basically a personal journal for an individual which was updated daily and generally reflected the author’s personality.  Today, blogging has evolved away from just being a personal journal and has now being used by businesses as a marketing tool to keep their customers or clients informed. Most business blogs have content that is relevant to their particular business and provides content which would be informative and educational for their clients or customers.

By posting blog articles on a regular basis, a business can keep their clients or customers up to date, provides continued contact and helps with search engine ranking, by providing relevant content and also increasing the business’s website as an authority. All of which Google loves.


Just a few years ago, no one would have started a business and not taken out an ad in the “yellow pages”. Wow, have things changed! website-design-seo-video-marketing-st-petersburg-tampa-flToday, in this Internet, smart-phone and text messaging world, the need for an online presence with a professional web site is the main avenue for a business to be successful and market itself. Today, your business web site is just as important, or possibly even more important with the speed of information, than the “yellow pages” ad was, just a few years ago. Due to today’s importance, your website should be placed in the hands of experienced designers, and search engine optimization (SEO) expert,s who can create an eye appealing and functional, easily navigated web site. Let Intensive Online Marketers provide you with that needed expertise.

Website Snapshots

Some Website homepage snapshots designed by Intensive Online Marketers

Check Out Our Free Website Setup and Design

Roy Faulkner – Owner

Established In 1996

Roy Faulkner is a nationally recognized internet marketer (Web Design, SEO, Video Marketing, Reputation Management) with over 20 years of experience in helping professionals and small business owners to obtain more clients. My skills can also be applied to any professional organizations, consultants, coaches, authors or speakers. Enhancing your authority online can be one of the most important things you can do as part of your marketing for you and your professional or small business.

Professionals and Small Business Owners

You know how hard and frustrating it can be to get your business to be seen on the internet and increase traffic to your business?

I solve this.

I do this by knowing how and what Google and other search engines are looking for to rank local businesses. Through beautiful and proper web design, on page and off page search engine optimization techniques and video marketing, you could have a topped ranked website and increased traffic to your business.

To learn about how to market your business online, email me NOW at roy@intensiveonlinemarketers.com

“Intensive Online Marketers is a major factor in building my veterinary hospital practice. If you want more clients for your practice or customers for your business, I highly recommend that you contact Intensive Online Marketers.”

John Ligori, DVM | Bell Shoals Animal Hospital Brandon FL

Intensive Online Marketers providing Website Design and Internet Marketing stragtegies for Professional and Small Businesses Copyright Intensive Online Marketers